The following is a brief description of what a patient can expect during the first appointment at Natural Alchemy Acupuncture.

Prior to the first visit you will be given a packet of paperwork which must be completed before you come in for your appointment. You will be asked about your medical complaint, background health information, and other questions. This information comprises an important part of the intake and will help me to determine the best treatment approach. The packet also contains important information regarding acupuncture, policies, and privacy rights and other legal forms.

After I look over the paperwork, I will talk with you further about your complaint. The diagnostic process in Chinese medicine is very different from a typical doctor’s office visit. For diagnosis and treatment planning, acupuncturists depend on detailed questioning, observation, and palpation.

Treatments are usually performed with the patient lying on the front, back, or side, depending on the nature of the complaint and treatment. The bulk of the treatment is usually with acupuncture needles and moxibustion (heat therapy applied to acupuncture points). Other therapies that I use include, tuina (Chinese massage) and assisted stretching, application of topical herbs, guasha (skin scraping), and cupping. I will often recommend stretches or exercises for patients to practice at home.

Acupuncture needles are nothing like the thick and hollow hypodermic needles that we are accustomed to in doctors’ offices: they are extremely fine and quite flexible. For the most part, acupuncture and related treatments are relatively painless, although some situations can involve some level of discomfort. I maintain clear communication with all of my patients so that adjustments in style and technique can be made to suit their needs.